Bonaireans are proud of their island. Preserving the authentic character goes hand in hand with progress in the development of Estate Bolivia.
Bonaire – a special municipality of the Netherlands since 2010 – has the ambition of becoming the world’s first ‘Blue Destination’. The many sustainability initiatives taking place on the island pave the way for a circular economy. Key points in the island’s policies are: the transition from mass tourism to quality tourism, broadening the tourism product by creating (sustainable) recreational options spread around the island, and more local (food) production instead of import products.

“Nature is getting restored where needed and is being protected against disturbances or erosion”
The structure of Estate Bolivia connects seamlessly with our ambitions. Nature is getting restored where needed and is being protected against disturbances or erosion. Signposted walking and cycling routes make the area accessible to nature lovers and peace seekers but, at the same time, prevent the fragile nature from coming under pressure by grazing animals. The Estate will remain accessible through the original gates for both residents and visitors.
By reserving enough land for agriculture and horticulture, the Estate contributes to the goal of the island’s government to become less dependent on imports. By building around 95 accommodations each year, a variety of living spaces is added to the current housing supply, and with this, the balance with the housing demand improves. In doing so, Estate Bolivia fulfills Bonaire’s mission statement: growing while preserving both nature and culture.